Weekdays, 2-7PM
Grahame Winters (she/her/hers)has been a friendly voice on the airwaves for more than 35 years, and since 2014, heard on the Cape on Koffee’s sister station, Y101. Grahame is married with two kids (who are technically young adults at this point… )-and these days she finds herself learning to adjust to life as a mom who no longer wiped noses and drives to soccer games. When she’s not playing soft & easy favorites, she’s working around the house and has been known to attempt some crazy projects after watching a series of how-to YouTube videos.
Weekdays 9AM-2PM
Marylee has been with Koffee since the beginning in 2013! Her new shift features soft and easy favorites from Sinatra to Adele, and her knowledge of the music and the local scene is unparalleled! MaryLee is also a radio legend, with careers stops all the way from the Cape to Los Angeles!!
Positive Paul Eason
Weekdays 5:30-9AM
Positive Paulie is the host of the Koffee-FM morning show! Paul’s influence on Cape Cod radio began over 30 years ago producing many of the most famous advertising jingles you hear on Cape Cod radio. Paul is also the “Voice“ of several local chambers of commerce, hosting events. Wake up the positive way with Paulie, then keep listening for hourly CBS News, Peter Maxx with the local news and the famous meteorologist Mark Rosenthal with his Koffee shorecast!